Our Information Design projects range from Exhibition Design and Museum Design, to the creation of citywide Urban Wayfinding Systems and Spatial Orientation Logistics.
Exhibition Design
Exhibition Design presents an immersive opportunity to engage all of our senses. By integrating theme, content, sense of place, and social interaction, we create spaces providing audiences with intellectual stimulation and emotional connections.
We synthesize architecture, interactive media, motion design, photography, and sound to interpret and generate content through expressive storytelling and logical flow.
Results are opportunities for Multi-sensory immersion, and thematic messaging of our clients’ products and services.
Wayfinding Logistics Systems
Navigating complex environments in physical space through a consistent use of modular sensory cues.
Our design of Urban Wayfinding Systems requires systems planning, cultural research, urban anthropology, cognitive mapping, environment analysis, and the design of spatial communication modules with logical interfaces of user centered directional navigation. Properly implemented, these systems can provide efficient and valuable time saving navigation networks for city visitors, business travelers, and users of interlinked high-volume transportation systems.
Example: The Munich Metro underground information system of interconnected transport links.