
Brand Identity Revitalization

Transfair Identity

European Brand Extension

TransFair - Sustainable Brand Mark Adaptation for the United States Market

Adaptation of the TransFair platform from the Netherlands to the United States. The Fair Trade Certified Label guarantees customers that strict economic, social and environmental criteria were met in the production and trade of an agricultural product.

Years ago world coffee prices began a sharp descent, triggering the birth of the first Fair Trade certification initiative. It was branded "Max Havelaar." after a fictional Dutch character who opposed the exploitation of coffee pickers in Dutch colonies. The Netherland's Max Havelaar label offered mainstream coffee industry players the opportunity to adopt a standardized system of Fair Trade criteria.

TransFair USA opened its doors in late 1998 and began certifying Fair Trade coffee in 1999. In addition to coffee, TransFair has introduced Fair Trade Certified tea and cocoa to the US market.